Monday, November 10, 2008

Synthetic Hormones Used in Induced Breeding

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG):

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a glycoprotein hormone produced by the placenta in pregnant women. During early pregnancy the hormone appears in the urine in large quantities. When it is injected to the mature fish, the hormone is known to cause the release of gametes. It is thought that the action of releasing gametes is due to the joint action of pituitary glands hormone and HCG. Generally when HCG is injected singly it does not give good result. So it is injected with pituitary gland extract.

In India the use of HCG was started late in 1980s. Both Indian and Chinese carps show good result.

HCG is cheap compare to pituitary extract and has long shelf life. The product is grinded in distilled water (2mg in 0.2ml) and centrifuged. The supernatant is used as injection. The first injection is given to female followed by second dose of injection in both male and female. In second dose the mixture of HCG and pituitary is used. The dose is weight dependent.

Other New Generation Drugs:

A number of new generation drugs are also be used in place of pituitary gland extract. These are very efficient even in lower doses also and cheaply available. Some important drugs are –

Ovaprim (Salmon Gonadotropin): “Ovaprim” is a very efficient drug in place of pituitary extract produced by salmon Gonadotropin RH and Domperidon. It is available in India after 1988 and extensively used. In India good result is shown in West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Orissa, and Maharashtra. This hormone is given in very low quantity to the IMC which gives best result. The results suggest that intervention of “Ovaprim” holds considerable promise in future. It is the product of Syndal Lab. Ltd. Canada, distributed in India by Glaxo India Ltd. Mumbai.

Pimozide: It is a dopamine antagonist having ovulatory role of LH-RH- A. It is quite effective in IMC. The LH-RH (Luteinising Hormone – Releasing Hormone) and its analogue LH-RH- A are very effective on brackish water fish – Mugil and Lates. They are cheap but the hormones are short lived.

DOC A: (II-Desoxycorticosterone-acetate) is another very effective drug which has been tried in cat fishes – Clarias & Heteropneustes. They not only help in ovulation but also in maturation of eggs. However, the commercial importance is low due to the high cost.

Anti oestrogen tamoxifen (anti androgen): This hormone gives promising result in Coho-salmon especially when it is administered with pituitary extract. This anti androgen can bring early ovulation. Still the hormone is in experimental result.


Unknown said...

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to 9895427718

Angela Alex said...

Olá a todos, eu sou Angélica, 36 anos, fui diagnosticada com resistência à SOP / insulina, eu e meu marido tentamos há mais de 12 anos, então fomos ao obgyn e ele me colocou em metformina 500mg 1x por dia progesterona, Clomid 50 mg primeiro mês sem ovulação 2º mês, ele aumentou a dose de clomid para 100, o que não me fez ovular ou eu não estou no meu último dia de progesterona e vou tomar clomid 150mg também estou tomando dexametasona e gravidez para me ajudar a ovular. meu próximo passo foi as injeções e olhando para elas, elas são muito caras e o aço não obteve resultado positivo, então eu vi na internet como as pessoas usam ervas da Dr James herbal preparadas para engravidar e curam todos os tipos de doenças, então tentei e aqui 2017 engravidei e engravidei e decidi tentar novamente. Entrei em contato com o Dr. James novamente no início deste ano e agora estou grávida de 5 semanas, graças ao Dr. James .. se você está na minha situação e está sofrendo com isso. doenças como não desperdice seu dinheiro com drogas e injeções Doença de Alzheimer, doença de Bechet, doença de Crohn, doença de Parkinson, esquizofrenia, câncer de pulmão, câncer de mama, câncer colorretal, câncer de sangue, câncer de próstata, siva. Mutação de Leiden, Doença de Epilepsia Dupuytren, Tumor desmoplásico de pequenas células redondas Diabetes, Doença celíaca, Doença de Creutzfeldt – Jakob, Angiopatia amilóide cerebral, Ataxia, Artrite, Esclerose lateral amiotrófica, Fibromialgia, Fluoroquinolona tóxica ity
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